Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; plgSystemOfflajnJoomla3compat has a deprecated constructor in /home/dnd/public_html/plugins/system/offlajnjoomla3compat/offlajnjoomla3compat.php on line 83
Special purpose products

Special purpose products

CHARACTERISTICS: Purpose: installation of the DA-7350 device Material: AISI 304 Device mounting diameter: 85mm Type of fastening to the base surface: screw

855.00 EUR

CHARACTERISTICS: Purpose: installation of the DA-7350 device Material: AISI 304 Device mounting diameter: 85mm Type of fastening to the base: welding

684.00 EUR

SPECIFICATIONS: Material: Aluminum, 3mm Dimensions: 300x300x100 mm

228.00 EUR

CHARACTERISTICS: Purification rate, drinking water: 10 L/h Purification rate, technical water: 25 L/h Total purified water output: 35 L/h Output of clean water (permeate) in ...

1424.00 EUR
D&D | Design and manufacture of laboratory equipment and measuring instruments

+48 730 072 152