Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; plgSystemOfflajnJoomla3compat has a deprecated constructor in /home/dnd/public_html/plugins/system/offlajnjoomla3compat/offlajnjoomla3compat.php on line 83
Equipment for oil extraction presses 20T

Equipment for oil extraction presses 20T

527.00 EUR

Weight: 3.8 kg
Material: AISI 304
Compatibility: automatic and manual press 20T.

Optimize your laboratory work with an additional set of equipment!


Made of durable stainless steel and with proper use will last you for many years.

Significantly speeds up and simplifies the work of the laboratory assistant.

D&D | Design and manufacture of laboratory equipment and measuring instruments

+48 730 072 152