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Manual oil press PVOL-15T-R

Manual oil press PVOL-15T-R

769.00 EUR

Weight: 23,5 kg;
Dimensions: 250x315х500 mm
Maximum force: 15T

Laboratory press with manual drive.


The manual oil extraction press is the ideal choice for laboratory research and small-scale production where precision, durability and ease of maintenance are important. It is designed with the highest quality standards in mind and equipped with components that guarantee reliable and efficient operation. Allows you to obtain oil for analysis of many oil crops, such as sunflower, rapeseed, nuts, flax, etc.



  • Thoughtful design: we paid a lot of attention to the process of creating and working with this equipment, for simplicity and ease of operation.
  • High-strength steel frame: All elements of the press are assembled on the basis of a frame made of special steel, which is the company's know-how. This design ensures durability and stability of the equipment even with prolonged use.
  • High-quality hydraulic components: The press is equipped with a reliable hydraulic drive, which guarantees ease of use, smooth and precise adjustment of force during oil extraction. At the output you get a clean product without impurities.
  • Stainless steel equipment: All parts in contact with the oil are made of stainless steel, which prevents corrosion and ensures a high degree of cleanliness, facilitating the cleaning and maintenance process.



The press is supplied with a full set of necessary equipment for work, including  tools for collecting waste raw materials, maintaining the equipment and cleaning it.



This model is one of the most popular press models among small companies. The experience of its production allows us to guarantee that you will receive a proven quality product, in which all design flaws have been removed. This press has passed numerous tests at real enterprises, which confirms its high efficiency and reliability. Before assembly, the frame of each press is tested for strength. All devices are assembled exclusively by hand according to high quality standards, which guarantees a long service life and the absence of defects during operation.

This model is designed for extracting oils from all types of oil crops, except SOY.
To work with solid crops, such as soybeans, we created an older model of this press:

Manual oil press PVOL-20T-R

You can also purchase additional equipment for work, which will double the productivity of this equipment. Equipment is available at the link:

Equipment for manual press



D&D | Design and manufacture of laboratory equipment and measuring instruments

+48 730 072 152