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Laboratory automatic oil press 15T

Laboratory automatic oil press 15T

2421.00 EUR

Type of equipment: stainless steel
Press weight: 34 kg
Dimensions, press: 500x240x200 mm
Dimensions, hydraulic station: 235x160x405 mm
High pressure hose length: 1.5 m
Power: 0.75 kW;
Power supply: 220V, 50Hz;
Maximum force: 15T
 пресс, без станции
Прес автоматичний із нержавіючим оснащенням

The perfect technical solution for laboratories.


Having experience in designing and manufacturing presses, we have developed and are manufacturing a new type. This model has absorbed all the best that we have tested for several years:

  • Lightweight: the lightest weight among all those presented on the market.
  • Fast: the sample is squeezed in 30 seconds.
  • Strong and safe: the frame is made of a special grade of steel, which represents the company's know-how. Each frame is tested for strength before assembly.
  • Multifunctional:Suitable for almost all oil crops, except soybeans.
  • Easy to use:Oil extraction is effortless for personnel
  • Reliable:The equipment is made entirely of stainless steel, which will serve for more than a dozen years.


The kit includes all the necessary tools for work:


            • Scoop.
            • Stainless glass for oil collection.
            • Rammer for cleaning cylinder holes.
            • Bucket for waste materials.


For even greater speed and convenience in work, you you can order additional equipment, which is unified for manual and automatic presses.



D&D | Design and manufacture of laboratory equipment and measuring instruments

+48 730 072 152